Wines and pleasure

As many readers of this blog will know, I’m in the process of taking the WSET Diploma in Wines program. Achieving this internationally respected, high-level wine qualification is a gruelling, intense experience, accompanied by blind tasting, assessing and writing detailed tasting notes about numerous wines, as part of your studies. After a while, frankly, it is easy to forget why you started doing this in the first place, and you can lose some of the joy in wine.

So it is a real relief to just drink good wine, sometimes. It reminds you why you started down this route, and renews your faith in the simple yet deep pleasure of drinking great wines with people who really matter to you.

This has been my recent experience, now that two big WSET exams, on Sparkling Wines and Fortified Wines respectively, are behind me. I can stop and smell the roses as it were, without having to think, critique, and write copious tasting notes every time I put glass to lips. I can immerse myself in the profound natural pleasure of whatever the open bottle offers up. Here are a few bottles that I’ve recently enjoyed in this way – immersively, sensually, unconditionally. And I make no apologies for the absence of detailed technical tasting notes!

Chateau de Carles Haut Carles 1999 AOC Fronsac, Bordeaux

A delicious reminder of why Fronsac can give neighbouring Saint-Emilion a run for its money (actually the wines of the former typically cost far less than those of the latter).

Philippe Chavy Meursault 2013 AOC Meursault, Bourgogne, France

A classically rich, voluptuous, yet elegantly evolving white from one of Burgundy’s most exemplary white wine appellations. OK, we all know it’s Chardonnay, right? As the French would say: A pointe.

Louis Jadot Beaune 1er Cru 2012 AOC Beaune, Bourgogne, France

A delicious multi-vineyard blend of several premier cru parcels that this venerable Burgundy house owns or contracts grapes from. As refreshingly enjoyable and celebratory a wine as its label.

Clos Dominic Vinyes Baixes Priorat 2009, Porrera, D.O.Q. Priorat, Spain

Big, bold, yet scrumptious red blend from this rediscovered old red wine region in the Catalunya hinterland near Barcelona. We should all age so gracefully.

So there you have it: four honest wines, four sensuous pleasure episodes, and not a WSET tasting note to be found! Live long and drink good wine. Salut!